So I have been running 5 #mausritter sessions on the #CCCamp23 for kids. It has been a blast and I have prepped 3 of them, then took @slyflourish 's advice for lazy gm prepping for the rest of the sessions. Since the age range has been from 6-12 I kept the plots of these one shots simple, straight forward and I let them roll for loot any time they wished to find it. What can I say, it has been a blast for all players involved. Now I am looking forward to reusing some of the ideas I had in a longer campaign and polish my maps I drew a bit.
Fertig mit meinem zweiten #mausritter Szenario fürs #CCCamp23. Mit dabei: Dryaden, Pilzwesen, Feen, Fledermäuse einem Maulwurf und viele Geheimnisse... Diesmal hab ich mich an die 8 Schritte des Lazy DM Buch gehalten. War noch nict ganz so flott, aber fühle mich ganz gut vorbereitet und alles passt auf 2 DIN A4 Seiten... Die Karten zu zeichnen ist natürlich nicht mit eingerechnet...
bonked 07 Aug 2023 17:38 +0200
Anyone looking for a FREE #Cccamp23 ticket? If anyone wants one of these tickets, write me at
Due to a planning mishap at my workplace we have 1-4 (not entirely clear yet) camp tickets that we need to get rid of, possibly getting the confirmation only on short notice.
Ich würde am #CCCamp23 wieder im #FamiliyVillage abends Vorlesestunde anbieten und ggf. eine #PnP Runde #Mausritter leiten.
bonked 12 Jun 2023 14:46 +0200