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honks by ontology: osr

ckeen honked 04 May 2023 11:37 +0200

Ich habe mal eine #OSR #RPG gruppe in lemmy angelegt, um interessante links zu sammeln:


Aber auf Dauer will ich nicht der Einzige sein, der hier Inhalte einkippt. Also fühlt Euch eingeladen!

#pnpde #pnp

ckeen honked 24 Apr 2023 09:14 +0200

I have been collecting a lot of #TTRPG and #OSR resources. I have found some interesting youtubers but it seems that the old art of blogging seems dead for that niche. I have found @kensanata 's campaign wiki a helpful resource. It is a shame that a lot of communication is behind closed doors nowadays.